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Gila Hertz, PhD, BSM
Cognitive behvaioral Therapy of Insomnia ( CBT-I)
CBT -I is a drug -free treatment for insomnia which has been proven to be as effective as sleeping medication for the short term and superior to sleeping pills for the long term.
CBT-I is a structured, brief program that involves 5-10 sessions. You wil learn to identify and replace thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that cause or contribute to your sleep problems with habits that promote sound sleep.
Dr. Hertz is a certified CBT-I therapist.
Relaxation Training
Learning relaxation techniques can help you understand the nature of stress, tension, anxiety and relaxation and their effects on sleep. By learning relaxation and reducing stress and tension you learn to improve sleep and prevent temporary sleep difficulties from turning into chronic insomnia.
Methods to reduced stress and anxiety include:
Breathing exercises
Progressive muscle relaxation
Mental imagery relaxation (also called guided imagery)
This circadian-rhythm based intervention has been designed for individulas with Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome ( DSPS) and Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome ( ASPS). It is aimed at resetting the circadian rhythm and sleep pattern to a desired schedule. This would help synchronize the sleep pattern to the demands of school, employment or other lifestyle equirements.

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